Stomach Pain NY in Midtown East, New York City, is nationally recognized in treating stomach and digestion issues. Because of this, the practice is always up to date and uses the latest evidence-based approaches to treating stomach diseases.

Stomach Pain NY’s pre-operative care, treatment options, and post-operative care are based on the latest scientific studies, which ensures that all of their patients consistently get the best possible care. Stomach Pain NY providers also follow a standardized protocol, which ensures that every patient receives the same high level of care at the clinic.

Stomach pain can be a sign of stress or nervousness, it could be due to minor problems such as trapped wind, or it may be a symptom of something more serious. Knowing the cause of a patient’s pain ensures a more effective treatment, and Stomach Pain NY has access to state-of-the-art diagnostic technology to ensure a fast and accurate diagnosis.

The clinic takes a holistic approach to patient care, looking at every aspect of each person’s life and health to make sure that they receive optimal care and treatment that addresses every influence on their well-being.

If you’re experiencing stomach pain or any kind of gastroenterological symptoms, call Stomach Pain NY now, or book an appointment using the online form.

About Dr. Ferstenberg

Henry Ferstenberg, MD, of Stomach Pain NY is a highly experienced, five-star gastroenterologist treating patients in Midtown East, New York City, and the surrounding communities.

Dr. Ferstenberg has more than 30 years of experience in gastroenterology, and over the course of his career, his interest and expertise in holistic medicine have proven invaluable in diagnosis and treatment. Holistic means looking at the whole patient, taking into consideration all the influences on their health and well-being, and the whole-person approach enables Dr. Ferstenberg to do far more than simply treat a set of symptoms.

That level of expertise allows Dr. Ferstenberg to uncover the cause of each patient’s condition and then to create a treatment plan that addresses every influence on their health, to ensure they receive the treatments and make changes to their lifestyle that are most likely to be effective.

Dr. Ferstenberg holds certification from the American Board of Surgery. He is also a member of distinguished professional organizations including the Medical Society for the State of New York, the New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and the Society for American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons.